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These rates represent our most basic advertising offering. We offer banner advertising, sponsorship of various Ultimate Bachelorette Party.com sections, content sponsorships as well as linking exchange programs. Ultimatebacheloretteparty.com can also work with you on exclusive sponsorship or branding possibilities, such as sponsored promotions.
Ultimatebacheloretteparty.com's target market is females from ages 21-50+ that are planning a bachelorette party, or looking to celebrate one in New York City. It is marketed towards the girlfriends, family or a member of the bachelorette's wedding party.
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 Banner Ad Rates
Coming Soon: The structure of our basic advertising packages (banner rotation throughout Ultimatebacheloretteparty.com):
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$ 25

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$ 22

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$ 18

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Contact us at the Ultimatebacheloretteparty.com Marketing Department to discuss your selection or other advertising proposals at: marketing@ultimatebacheloretteparty.com Please provide you name, company name, sponsoring request, e-mail and phone number.
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